Saturday, May 18, 2013

Grimasch om morgonen

Saga, Saga, Saga!

Each time I think your name, I die.

(and, yes, in the Shakespearian sense, too. You can look that up, sweetie)

Years ago...

YEARS ago, you gave me this song, "Grimasch om morgonen," by Cornelis Vreeswijk.

Do you know that every gift you gave me, your words, your looks, your love, I have treasured in my heart? Always?

Well, a while ago, something happened, and I thought I lost this song.

I thought I lost you.

I did, didn't I?

But, now, today, right now, I found the song again, and I've played it and played it and played it, and smiled, through my tears, remembering you and remembering me, with you.

I remembered how I sparkled and shined for you, and how I was your baby.

I still am your baby, Saga, but now I'm lost and confused and heartbroken, I don't think I sparkle or shine much anymore; I think I'm just here, and you're just there, and ...

... and that's that. The end.

Even as I don't let go.

Saga, you said you'd love me forever. No matter what. What is the what that ... did this?

Two songs I'm listening to "Strange & Beautiful (I'll Put A Spell On You)" by Aqualung, because you put a spell on me, sweetie, and I don't know how to take it off. And "I Really Want You" by James Blunt, because I really want you. I really, really do.

But ...

... well, it's Saturday. I guess I'll go to work, nothing else to do, ... or watch the latest Star Trek flick. I hear it's good.

I guess.