Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Safety in Unknown

So that's wrong, right?

It's the fear of the unknown that we live, or try to pretend that we don't live that, with our false courage, or our real courage but the unknown is still there and the fear is still there. Immovable; irreplaceable. We try to avoid it by filling our lives with our iPods (oops: iPads these days, how outre of me to make that 'out' gaff now that iPads are 'in') and our rushing about, always late, because we always make ourselves late by filling our lives with noise, noise, white noise so we don't notice it, that fear, that we don't even notice the noise-as-substitute, that we don't notice anything, pushing past things (other people) to just get through our lives, racing through it, racing toward our own ...

Don't think about that. Don't think about death. We know death. We know that it's unknown, so we never talk about it, until we gasp out 'call 911!' as the darkness squeezes out the breath from our lungs.

Oh, boy, `phfina you are on a tear here.

Oh, yes, I am.

But I actually argue the opposite. We are not afraid of the unknown. Not at all.

Don't believe me? Well, I have incontrovertible proof.

The unknown is still there. And so are you.

What we fear, we murder. We turn on something, in our fear, and lash out, and destroy it.

I know. I so know. I do it, and I have lots of PMs from you, my dear readers, as you lash out at me from your true selves, lash out at me, to destroy me.

And do you ever.

But the unknown is untouched. Science gives a safe little façade ('lie') of 'progress,' but science (or should I write 'Science' ... as so many of you bow down and worship it every day: the lines are so long at the sbuxen they extend outside the building these days) is just a comfortable pillow you can rest on to say 'oh, we understand,' when what science has been doing is discovering what? not illuminating and explaining and demystifying and deconstructing the unknown. No, Science has shown us the further we forge, o so bravely, at that dragon Unknown, the more, the bigger it becomes.

But nobody faces that truth. Nobody dares speak what nobody wants to hear. Those who do are murdered, gassed, crucified, stoned or burned at the stake.

'Witch' comes from the root word: 'Wit' ... a woman with smarts. Can't have those in our village, nosirree!

'There's a lot here we don't understand; you are acting on beliefs built on lies that you tell yourselves: maya' ... 'PUT HER UP AGAINST THE WALL!'

The truth is (o God, here comes the mob) ... the truth is this. You are happy living your small live surrounded and consumed by ...

excuse me: coughing fit. Ouch. ... must medicate.

I'm back.

Where was I? Oh, yes: ... consumed by the unknown.

Yes: I said you are happy in this state.

"Oh, but, `phfina, no: you're wrong! I'm miserable with my gf or with my life or with my job or with my ..."

After all, you read fan fiction, my stories, too, to escape for a while from this misery you call your life.

The truth however, is the exact opposite: no, you aren't miserable. Or, more precisely, ...


(she was going to say something about my love affair with precision and has that made me happy, but I am not to be interrupted (too much ... well, yes: too much, but I can deal) when I'm on a roll).

More precisely: you are happy being miserable.

Oh, you say you aren't. Then the path is a simple one to take. You hate your job? Quit. Quit being that stuffed shirt, or stuffed skirt (up the ass), and move to Vermont and start that farm or art colony or fitness center you have always said you wanted to.

Go ahead. I don't even have to bother saying 'I double-dog dare you.' Because I know you. I look in the mirror. I know you.

"`phfina, you have a really warped view of life and jobs and stuff. You weren't fucked up the ass every day at sbux when you worked there, were you? No. So you're so full of shit that you can't even speak without it coming out of your mouth."

Maybe. Maybe. That's a perspective. And a good one if it empowers you. But I do know things. And I do see things.

I'm breathing easier now that I'm not a ... okay, I won't say bad things about my ex-job, bc there were good times ... kinda ... cleaning the bathrooms and stuff. But I know my job was way better than my customers in their slave collars, I mean 'suits and ties' or 'business suits' as they lived their grey-grey lives each second bringing them more despair as they knew that they were one second closer having to go to work.

At least I didn't have to do that. At least I had a job where it was my job to deliver happiness one cup at a time.

Still don't believe me, do you. Well, fancy this: most heart attacks occur at 9 am Monday morning. That's right: people would rather die than go to work.

So the fucking is metaphorical, did you get that? Which is so much worse than if you were actually being fucked by the boss.

I know. I just said that. But here's why. I know, from first hand accounts what happens when the boss fucks his ... whatever you want to call his girl Friday. They end up together, and sometimes happy, too.

I know. From first hand observations. I'll leave it at that.

And I've seen when the boss doesn't fuck his employees (literally) ... well, everyone is living in hell at that shop. Which shop, `phfina? Well, from what I've seen, just about every shop, or: for just about for everyone who has a job.

And you so want me to leave my free state and go right into the workforce so I can be literally or metaphorically fucked up the ass.

And then I get my paycheck ... and see which bills I can pay this month with it. ... I believe they call that 'DP.'

You can look that one up.

But you'd rather do that. Or go to school.

And oh, my God! Professors? You think they are better than bosses? Don't get me started.

Unless you are the professor, in which case it's the students: can they get any stupider ... any more dull and dreary ... this year?

... or ... whatever everybody else is doing. Why?

Because you are in the middle of the herd. Because if you move out to the edge of the herd, or ... God forbid! ... leave the herd, there's that big, scary unknown, and you'd rather live your dull, small life that everybody else lives than face that.

Or so you think.

But there's a symbiotic relationship between the herd and the hunter (the Unknown). They depend on each other.

You don't fear the unknown.

You need it.

You need it there to keep you in your place. You need it there to justify why you know, by every measure, you're not living up to your expectations, you're not living your life powerfully, freely, peacefully, joyfully.

And so what do you do?

What do you do when you see a star shine so brilliantly in the night sky.

"You do not put a lamp under a bushel."

Actually, that's exactly what you do.

You see a person achieving, and growing, and glowing, and living, and what do you do?

"It'll never last!"

"You'll tire yourself out."

"Are you for real? Nobody could be like that."

"Give it up, your crusade, nobody can do that, especially not you!"

You reach up from the shit you are in, not so they can pull you up into the light, but so that you can pull them down, in fact, under you, stepping on top of them: you are drowning, so you might as well extinguish the light.

It's nice and comfy here in this cesspool, and anybody who stays otherwise, with their hurtful achieving ('who do they think they are? Hmmphf!'), with their too honest writing should be tortured first, a lot, and then shot.

After all, the unknown is safe. You can play all sorts of games with it, like worry, and procrastination, and panic attacks, and anything that takes you away from living your life.

You know? Stepping out? In faith? In courage? Into the unknown?

Oh, no, can't have that! ... so ... what's on the TV?

After all, if you did step out, in faith, into the unknown, the unknown would become ...


And that means you would have to deal with it. It being you. And your life.

So don't write that chapter, `phfina, because you just so know they are going to savage you for it. Don't quit your job, because then you have to live your life on your terms not on theirs, 'theirs' meaning 'everybody elses' ... and 'everybody elses' meaning, only meaning mine. Because if you are living your life like everybody else (like I do) then there must be Something Wrong With Me.

Uh, oh: unknown looming up. Quick: tell `phfina to get a job so I can justify why I eat this self-loathing hate and despair that I cover up with sameness and boredom every day, all the time ... um, I meant, 'my job.'

Yes, there's safety in the unknown, for as much as we play the fear and worry game, the unknown is still ever out there in the Future, the unchanging chimera that it is.

So, ... ;)

I said all this to answer your question: "You've been coughing for a month and you haven't gone to the doctor, `phfina. Why?"

Well, once I go to the doctor, this cough, that's nothing, o God, I hope it's nothing, 'cause It'll Be Okay Someday.

Becomes something.

What it became was bronchitis.

Just a little nothing case of bronchitis that a prescription of antibodies and rest will clear up, or it won't.

But you missed it, didn't you.

That little case of bronchitis was nothing, is nothing now, but before it was unknown.

That little case of you not writing a chapter of a story of a book you'll never publish is you telling yourself 'oh, who'd be interested, and besides, I'm not a good writer anyway.'

That little case of you not asking that girl out is ...

... is, oh, my God does the beast rear its ugly head:

She's wouldn't be interested in me anyway. Why?

She'd probably say no if I asked.

She'd slap me in the face, pour her drink over my head and then she and all her friends would point at me and laugh at me.

If I were to ask her, then there would always be That There Between Us and it'd be so awkward, and I'd have to turn and walk the other way whenever I'd see her.

You ever think of how much it costs to say hi?

I do.

But I also weigh the other cost.

Everything you do, and everything you don't do, has a cost.

Not saying hi to me as I'm passing you?

Do you know how that kills me? Every time, when you lift your phone to look at it, rather than to look at me, and maybe see my eyes, and maybe say hi, and maybe smile?

Do you know how much your smile costs?

It costs a lot.

That's not the right way to say it.

It's worth a lot. It is so, so dear. You know why?

Every person I see. Regardless.


Every person I see, when they burst in to a smile or a genuine laugh, or just a small private grin?

Oh, my God! It's like there was this lifeless wraith before but now, but now, their spirit fills them and they actually glow and you can't compare one to the other, you can't say a person is 'more beautiful' when they smile. Because from lifelessness to lively?

They aren't more beautiful: they are beautiful. Period.

And, but, you withhold your smile. You withhold your care. You judge people, your roommates, your coworkers, your bosses, your friends, and you withhold, and you become cold.

And they cry.

Or, worse, they soldier on.

And you kill people around you, all the time, because you'd rather have a nice, distant, cool, polite relationship with ... well, everybody, because 'nobody can care about everybody they meet,' (fucking lie) so you don't even open up to one person. You don't even open up to your own lover.

You don't even open up to your own mother. You don't even open up to your own sister. You don't even open up to your own daughter.

And you kill them.

And it's nice, safe, and cautious here. Nobody gets hurt. ... except that everybody does; and everybody survives.

But for what.

I'm taking my medication. I'm drinking tea. I'm (trying) to sleep more than two hours a day.

To survive.

But why?

So I can get a job? And be a Productive Member of Society?

Which society is that? Your society is the one you choose to keep.

And that society tells quite a bit about you.

What society are you keeping?

How about this: what society are you bettering?

"Please smile today." "Oh, I didn't smile today, because it was a shitty day."

A day is a day. You make it shitty — not them, you — or you make it joy-filled.

You know what I've been practicing, besides the smile game (that is, I choose to be a person who the people I encounter are better for it and I know that from their smile I now see that I did not see before)? I've been practicing that the instant I think something, like, 'oh, I should write to ...' I don't think about it, I just do it. I step out. In fear. And I type the first work. Or I dare raise my eyes, and breath out a 'h-hi' to the man walking the other way on the park trail. Or I dare to sneak into Victoria's Secret and dare to touch then to take that lace teddy off the rack and I dare to try it on, just because.

Well, almost try it on. Draping it over me counts ... sorta ... it is a big step for me, you know.

And that's the thing. The step. For you it's nothing, and I'm a coward. But I'm not measuring myself by your yardstick. You've walked further down the road. And there's more road to take, and I took that little baby step ...

... and they I ruined it, for you, that is, right? But running away as fast as I could and hiding myself in that big cushy-cushy chair.

But I have that moment where I dared something I haven't dared before, and nobody can take that away from me. And it felt really, really good, really daring to step into that unknown.

Do you have a moment like that? Where you dared something? Nobody can take that away from you.

And you know what? It's more than money in the bank, because money gets used and it's gone, or something, but this moment? You can use it whenever you'd like. You can use it now to do it again, the exact same thing, which is to step out into the unknown, and dare, and live.

And like that first time, you have no idea what will come out of it, and you have no way of knowing who you'll be after you take that step.

And you know exactly what it's like to live, comfortably, in fear, with the unknown over there and you over here, nice, safe, everybody-does-it doing it.

Did I say 'live'? I meant 'exist.'

I have bronchitis, and I walked to the pharmacy to get the meds ... what? Did you think they would carry themselves to me on my death bed?

O, `phfina, so the drama!

And as I was walking home, the sky opened up, again, and the deluge soaked me to the panties now firming riding up my butt crack.

Perma-wedgie. Super-icky.

There's Thor, the god of thunder, then there's me, third day in a row, not the goddess of rain, but more like the goddess of soggy or bedraggled.

And then the heat and humidity after that power shower? I mean, it was a downpour and there wasn't a cloud in the sky and the sun was beating angrily, focused right on my head. I mean: how is that possible! I almost melted by the time I made it back to my place.

And ... okay, well, maybe I stopped at a ... place where food is served, you know? It was happy hour with half-priced appetizers, and I have been told I need to eat, and American-sized portions? I can eat half (being stuffed!) and bring half home.

And while I was at the bar, I had this revelation.

I mean, come on! can the revelations take a vacation from me, please?

And my revelation is this. Frappuccinos? You know what they are?

"Strawberries and crème blended crème drink"?

Write that while having a coughing fit!

Why don't they just say: "Substitute strawberry daiquiri" and be done with it.

People buy a frappuccino to live a surrogate life, substituting fake sugar for the real thing, and the real thing isn't even an alcoholic drink, it isn't even a sense of control and empowerment by ordering a 'decaf soy latte with one pump of sugar free vanilla and, yes, I do want whip ,,, oh, I'll splurge and make that a grande' and watch with the amusement to see if the barista fumbles your drink so you get the freebie card off them.

Honey, I've made more complicated drinks than yours, okay?

No, the substitute is for happiness.

So you wait in a long line, annoyed and impatient, at oh, my God, so early in the morning, so you can rush right out into rush hour traffic, that, oddly enough, isn't rushing at all, but standing stock still for an hour, and so you can be a road hazard as you are dialing your blackberry and sipping your latte that, dammit, the barista made correctly after all, and then you sit around work all day, scared out of your mind that the boss will come by and ask you what you're doing when he knows full well you're doing nothing because he hasn't given you work in weeks, so you make work to pretend to be working and you bitch and moan with your coworkers about what a shitty job this is, gossiping about the slut or the boss or both or about the football game last night and ...

... and that's how you spend your day?

And that's how you want me to spend mine?


Well, it does look really ... safe ... in there, I'll give you that.

You know, you could even live, even at work.

You know what works at work, and what doesn't. You know when you settle (that is, all the time) and when you fix something broken at work, and you're the heroine and everybody's happy because that stinking white elephant went away and now everybody, finally, can breathe easier, and you know you did that. You know what you're happy doing and what you're doing because you're just doing it to pass the time to fill the time because you're bored, no, scared to actually do something and actually live.

Even at work.

Or you know that this work thing? This job? It's so not you, and you know what is you. Don't tell me you don't. You know, so deep in your bones you can feel it in your marrow, what is you and what isn't, because you feel you being you with you're doing what you're meant to be doing. And you feel yourself being fake when you're faking it, or just getting by, or not ruffling feathers, whatever the hell that means.

But you settle. And then you justify it. You even say, 'well, this is just the way that I am' or 'this is just how it is,' using context to justify what a shit you are and what shit you are in.

Sister, that shit doesn't fly with me. You can play that game with yourself all you like, and, boy, do you like it, but don't come round to me looking for me to bend over and take your junk up my ass.

You can play your game. I see how delighted you are to be miserable. I play my own games. Some of them are shitty, too, yes.

But some of them ...

I dare to hope.

I dare to believe in you. I dare to believe in you, even when you don't.

I dare to believe you can do what you set out to do.

I dare not to take the shit that comes out of your mouth. I dare to believe you can do better than settle for or settle with.

I dare to call the bullshit you are saying bullshit, and I dare not to agree, just like everybody else does: 'oh, yeah, you're right. What can you do, you know? That's just how it is.' You want that behavior, you go look for somebody who lives that behavior. Don't look for it from me, gf.

I dare to get caught in the rain and throw my arms out and dance, twirling my head back and around, as I scream 'Wheeeeeee!'

I dare to curse the darkness: "YOU STUPID DARKNESS" and I dare to live in that darkness ... hey, I love the darkness, and the stars and the moon, and I dare to light a lamp, and look right into the flame (ouch, my eyes!) and then hold it up, high, and say, 'hey, over here! You can do this, too!'

I dare to smile. I dare to open my eyes. I dare to see your smile. I dare to have my breath taken away by your smile.

God, you are so beautiful.

And you know why? You know why I call you on your bullshit, and stand here, shouting, that the life you are living is a lie? You know why I dare to see you as you can be, as you are, if you'd only open your eyes and see yourself? Do you know why?

Because I love you, and I care about you, and I want you to be happy.

My cough is telling me I need to lie down now. So I'll do that. Good night. I love you.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sensitive Girl

Do you know the difference between a sensible girl and a sensitive girl? Although it's not necessary that these two girls be different persons.

Hypothetically speaking.

So, it's not that I have reason to complain. I'm alive. That's a plus, I guess.

So, remember when I got just deluged by rain? I mean, the most recent time. Well only a crazy girl would let that happen to her again, on the same week, forsooth!

So, I packed. Clothes, that is. In my sbux backpack.

I'm quite the sbux girl. Like, can I even stay away from one for just one day? Ever? Even after I quit?

But I digress ... and do you know how much those little Naked Fruit juice thingies cost? Every day? Sure, mango madness helps me breathe, but ... maybe breathing is too expensive, for goodness sake.

Did I mention to myself that I digressed?

So I went to the zoo earlier this week. Saw the blesbok (imagine my lips caressing that word as I say it over and over and over again) and the macaw, that would not say 'Hello' to me, no matter how many times I kept saying 'Hello' encouragingly to it. Do you know how many times I kept saying 'hello' to that bird? I don't know, either. It was a lot.

And the zoo? There's a lot of walking to it. It's very hilly. And I was just walking along, la-di-dah, and what happens? Out of nowhere the storm clouds come rolling in, and FWHOOSH! it was the deluge. Everybody ran for cover, mommies pushing their babies, chaperones herding the school children, so you know, a smart girl would head under a canopy, right?

Well, the thing is, for me, is that I'm wind and water. And, God! I just threw my head back and spread out my arms and just ... just took it all into my being.

I was eyed by more than one person. I remember one India woman, her almond skin and eyes, now wide with disbelief, just staring at me, so I smiled, God! I smiled at the pure joy of it, being caught in a rain storm and just living!

Of course, my sbux backpack was safely ensconced under the canopy, so I could just, you know, change out of my wet things (drenched, actually), and everything would be fine.

Never mind that I've been coughing for about a month now.

And I didn't take into my calculations that walking back up all those hilly hills to the sbux just outside the zoo (how convenient!) would take a while, like 'more than a half-hour' a while.

And I didn't forecast that the temperature would drop 25°F right after the storm, instantly.

And so the bedraggled field mouse of a girl reached the sbux, and hit the air conditioning in there ... I might've sneezed once or twice.

But I changed in the little girl's room, and so everything would be fine. I'd just metro home. That is: ride the metro rail to D.L. and then take the quatro-cero-dos to my stop and walk the rest of the way home.

Of course, the temperature refused to rise. At all. And then it got late. And the walk home ...

Of course, the rain storm was gone, but then there was this light, then heavy mist that stuck to me, my hair, my clothes, ... my throat.

And I got home, and I plopped down onto bed, and I started coughing.

So here I am. My head is something the size of Luxembourg and I keep coughing and nothing comes up or out, except when it does and it's phlegmatic and a bit greenish. That's not good, is it?

But that's not such a big deal. Not really. What's the big deal is that when I cough, I want my head to come off, because that's what it feels like it's doing. Or what I wish it would do. I have a headache that ... just my head hurts, and is hot.

I guess I'll go to the doctor's Monday. I hate going to the Doctors. I hate the whole medical ... industry. I never felt good going to them as a girl, and then when ... well, steamroller? I've been flattened by them.

Anyway. Went to confession today. Walked. How? you ask. I am so doped up on ibuprofen that I am floating in a sea of pain, that I don't feel at all, because I don't feel a single part of my body.

And I'm a very kinesthetic person. I'm very connected to the feeling of being inside my body, so when I get disconnected from my body, when I go outside myself, which I have done, it's the most bone-chillingly terrifying thing for me. I'm disconnected from my body now, and I feel ... I feel I might not make my way back to myself. But I am detached ... from my body, so I'm feeling emotionally numb, too.

"People do not die of trifling colds!" snaps an irritated Mrs. Bennett to her teasing husband, seriously concerned that Jane might not make it.

Jane made it. But that's because little Lizzy, her sweet, smart, sharp sister was there with her.

I've been hovering in and out of consciousness at home. I ate some ramen noodles ... yesterday? ... morning? and then went back to bed and then I went to confession.

Which was ...

Okay, I didn't go to Fr. P, 'cause the line was long there.

Yeah, right. It was longer there. But if I go to Fr. T, a little Vietnamese man who survived communist interrogation...

They told him to renounce his belief in Jesus, and when he wouldn't, they bashed out his teeth with the butt of a rifle.

... Well, he's old, and hard of hearing, and he hasn't heard my confession in about a year.

Didn't stop him from laying into me. Hard. For the admonishment and absolution. God! I go to confession knowing what a bad, terrible person I am, I confess it, and then I get what-for.

"Masturbating twenty times since the last confession?" he reproached. "That's too much. That's a sickness. You have to get to the root of this evil, or you will be addicted and consumed by it until you die."

Thanks, Father. He absolved me, and then I had to walk home with that. With this. With me. I made it home. I always have lived within a block or two of a church, so I could walk to daily Mass before going to school. And have a vision of Mary. Bonus.

No visions today, 'cause maybe I'm too tired now. I'm going back to bed. So tell me what I'm a shit I am for not telling you how I'm doing, ... after all, I'm barely typing and typing and typing these words in the hands I don't feel connected to these arms I don't know what they are attached to. I can take it. I'm thick-skinned, colored yellow with a dusting of pollen.

And you know what? With all this, I have absolutely no reason to bitch. My sister doesn't have cancer. I didn't get a kidney infection. I didn't lose my husband in Afghanistan. My boss isn't bending me over his desk and fucking me up the ass so he doesn't have to divorce his wife and pay paternity on a child he fathered in me. I'm not in a dead-end job, like the millions of people I see rushing onto and off of the metro every day, pushing me around as if they don't see me, as if I'm not there, so focused they are to get to their jobs ('Susan, correct these reports for me, will you?') and then so focused to get the hell home, so they can fight with their husband and scream at their kids and have a headache and wake up early and do it over again.

I'm none of those things.

So I should be happy. Yay! Yippee!

Good night.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Sensible girl


Okay, okay, are you done laughing so I may explain myself?

You sure do love explaining yourself, don't you, `phfina?

Yes, I do.

So, I'm a sensible girl ...


*ahem!* Are you done, Miss Muse?



So, of course, by sensible, I mean 'of the senses.' Just as Marianne scolded Elinor to be 'sensible' when Elinor was talking pragmatic common sense. No, Marianne wanted her older sister to give herself over to her heart, to her senses, and let go of practicality and reason.

So, as I was saying, I'm a sensible girl.

So I went to the mall yesterday. Watched Thor.

I have a confession to make.

You always have a confession to make, don't you?


I'm a bit of a fan-girl. Put anything into my hands, and I'll read it. So my dad collects things, and he had bb's entire comics collection, and guess who went through all the comics as a little girl.


And I loved me some Thor.

You've got to admit ... the homoerotism? Big guy with a hammer shaped like a limp ... you know, goes around wrestling other big guys (called: 'giants') instead of hanging out with his wifey names Sif, and his mother named ... get this: Frigg, and in the end fights a very long ... snake ... with his ... 'hammer' ... and they both 'die' ... together ... at the same time.

'Die' in the olden days meant ... you know ... the word meaning the opposite of 'to go.' You know?

So I loved me some Thor, and read all of that. And then I found another set of boxes of magazine.

Oh. my. God.

Dad could sent up a museum to showcase his vintage collection. I preferred me the p.e.n.t.-'home' ones instead of the p.l.a.y.boi ones, 'cause there were more action scenes, you know? I didn't much like the guy's ... um, you know.

I was like 'ew!' and why is he slobbering over that girl like that?

But when I saw two girls together I was like ... um, I was like ...

And then I had a serious case of boob envy. I wondered, when I grew up, if I would have boobs like that. Full, firm, perky, just, you know, out there! And I couldn't wait to grow up, you know?

Well, I guess I haven't grown up yet, you know?



So I saw Thor, and Natalie was like, 'Oh, that's my husband's ... I mean my ex-husband's shirt,' as Thor was prancing around throwing that shirt on. And then she said: 'He was a real jerk; ... Men!'

And I was like, so tempted to shout, 'I got a solution to your men-problem RIGHT HERE Natalie!'

But then I got really embarrassed, like, I could just see them asking me to leave.

Asking me to leave with a police escort, that is. And then the headlines the next day:

"Thirteen Year Old Girl Makes Lesbianotic Pass At Natalie Portman in Movie Theatre;"

with the by-line:

"Conservative Mothers Demand her Burning at the Stake!"

They did do tarring and feathering at the last Tea Party in Boston; I don't doubt they wouldn't get Medieval on my ass at this Tea Party's iteration.

But when Natalie blushed at Thor's gallantry ...

... God, I almost lost it again. She looked so girlish and sweet! I mean ... RAWR! the panther almost got uncaged right then.

Not that I'm not girlish.

I mean, I was at the Mall for the movie, and ... but before then ... I ...

Okay, I went to Victoria's Secret, okay? I was, you know, ... well, I was just browsing okay?

So I snuck in there, and then I was looking at this 'ensemble' (if you could call it that) a turquoise lacy teddy/panty set, and you know I didn't take it off the hanger, but I was just standing in front of the mirrors and I draped them over me, you know, just, you know, to see, just pretending, and ...

Okay, I don't know where she came from, but this sales girl came up behind me and said, 'Your boyfriend will really like you in those, very cute; very sexy!'

And I think I squeaked or I shrieked and said I was looking for a friend and I think I blushed so hard I burned off half the skin on my cheeks, and I think I kinda walked-really-fast or ran to a safe haven...

... which was the book store, of course, and I like, ran to the back of the book store so that nobody, could like, trace a path between the two stores and I, like, grabbed a random book and, like, hid you know? like scrunched right down into one of those cushy chairs they have.

I have no idea what book I was reading for a while, and then I had to go and see Natalie ... I mean Thor. That Kat Dennings was not bad at all either. When she said, 'Does he need CPR, 'cause I totally know CPR,' I was like, well, I'll climb right into that picture and swoon for her anytime.

Gimme some of that CPR-lovin' Kat.

No, I was a good girl.

Was it okay to like the Thor guy? I mean, really! Emmett! you know? Big, strong, stupid, self-assured, kind, very kind, gentlemanly, caring, sweet. More guys should wear red capes, get the crap beat out of them then dish out some oh.my.godery with their big hammers if they are going to be as sweet as that and treating a girl with honor and respect.

I liked Thor.

And poor Loki!

... but look at me, swooning like a fan-girl.

Well, I felt indulgent, so I indulged.

Then I went out today.

Got rained on. And it was hazy, hot and humid, and who was soaked to the bone in her blue jeans, sneaks, and tee?

And you know how your bra gets when it gets soaked?

Yes, you do.

And so it was ... uncomfortable. So, I used the ladies and ... well, ditched it.

Big mistake. Huge.

You know those public transportation busses? That all-too-recently blasted their heaters, because, like, last week it was freezing?

Well, their air conditioning worked really well.

REALLY well.

And there I am, on the bus, and my nips were out there, announcing to the world: 'Will exchange a good, hard fuck for a training bra.'

Yeah, yeah.

And you know how your white cotton tee shirt shrinks when you get it all wet, in the rain? and ...

Okay, so I get sent to the 'pre-teen' sections of stores by helpful sales clerks. 'Oh, are you looking for your mommy?'

So this tee wasn't tight to begin with but ...

Yeah, you get the picture. And so did everybody on the bus. That I saw nobody of, 'cause I was too busy looking, very hard, out the window, praying I didn't get gang-fucked like you see on those pervy Japanese school-girl pornos.

Not that I'd ever watch anything like that but ...

Turned on, you pervs? I'd ask if you're turned on by stick figures, but I don't even rate, so I'd have to say, are you turned on by 'twig figures.'


Any. Way. Yeah, girlish me. I also went into sbux and exchanged my beige puke-colored sbux card that had seen too many swipes at the P.O.S. ('point of sale' ... not the other 'POS' meaning ... sometimes) for a nice red-n-black with hearts one. The girl at the P.O.S. said my new one was much cuter and smiled a cute sbux smile at me. She asked me if I was the 'Grande Soy Latte' but that was the girl behind me.

I wonder if I should be a 'Grande Soy Latte'? As that Asian delight with the short hair bob and stylish black square-rimmed glasses and too short and tight green apron looked just too edible for words, and ...

ANYWAY! TOO many adventures today, so I will bid you Good Night!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Toxic Psycho Bitches

Haven't slept. These last few days I've been sleeping, what? 2 hours total?

Losing weight: lost 6 pounds this week. Down to 114 lbs.

It's funny. Isn't a girl who's drinking supposed to be gaining weight? And I'm eating meals, and not puking them up, either ... well, not often, that is.

In group, we had a supermodel leader, and she kept losing weight, even following her dietician's advice. So her dietician, who charged her $4000 gave her her money back and said, 'I won't take your money anymore if you don't go to group, This is not your diet: you're thinking yourself to death." It was Donna, right, the super model.

I hate it when people tell me stuff, 'cause it gets into my head, and it never goes away.

I wonder how many girls are jealous of me right now? I'm thinking weight loss. Marvelous.

I'd like to blame toxic psycho bitches: wanting to fix me or fix their gfs, always so sure that they are right, as they spew shit right out of their mouths all over me. I keep running into them, insinuating themselves into my life, looking so sweet and vulnerable, so talented and so filled with potential, and then ... and then they start working on me, right from where they are in their cesspool, so I'd love to blame them.

I even have a quiz:

You might be a toxic psycho bitch if:


... etc.

But there are tons of self-help books out there already, making tons of money off of the toxic psycho bitches so 'wanting' to change, to better themselves, to be happy, and then they start right in on everybody around them, sabotaging those they can, so at least they can blame other people for their own unhappiness.

Sounds rather like the beginning of this post, eh, `phfina? Yes.

So I won't blame anybody but myself. I'm responsible for who I allow into my life and how I allow them to affect me. If somebody wants to pour shit all over me, I could go use it as fertilizer, instead of wallowing in that shit, crying, can't I?


Or I could say: Warning! Danger! Toxic psycho bitch on approach! and steer clear, finally, instead of getting sucked right into the melodrama of their lives, paying the full price of interacting with them, where they pay nothing. Oh, they may pretend to be suffering, but they are made of stern stuff, they can dish out guilt and wallow in pain with the best of them, and then ... AND THEN come back for second helpings, as long as you are willing to play their power-trip game.


AND then, clear indicator they ask me, why have I stopped writing?

Why have I stopped writing? Hm, how many pages did I send your way today, sweetie, responding to your, what? three emails this last hour?

They have no boundaries, too. None whatsoever, if they aren't crawling under your skin, then obviously YOU have a problem opening up. And as soon as you open up, what happens? "Oh, this is what's wrong with you, and that's what's wrong with you, and ..."


I should have learned after Kate how it is, how she opened up to me, bringing me to her 12 step, so I would open up to her, so then she could dominate and control me, if not from the top (as much as she tried) then from every way possible, struggling, screaming, slapping, humiliating ...

She was an amazing fuck, however. A-maz-ing. Toxic psycho bitches seem to have that ability: they fuck SO good, it's like, hard to leave them for your sanity's sake, because they have you enslaved to their ability to cum and to make you cum, any time, day or night. They DO get into your head, so they know what you like, they know your insecurities, they know every single erogenous zone on your body (easy for me: every part of my body's an erogenous zone), everything.

They get into your head, because they try to get into your heart, and steal it. And eat it, because ...

Because they've been so unloved, for so long, they can't believe it's possible, and when you try to do it, they are so, so, SO grateful ... for a while, and then they start seeing you don't really love them, because you're just like their mom or their dad, or their brother or their first boyfriend or first girlfriend, who raped her, or beat her, or dominated her, or ... whatever.

And that's the draw: they so need your love, you feel compelled to love them, and then you get sucked in, for as long as you can last, longer even, in some relationships, and then you're another casualty, another piece of evidence for them that they aren't the problem, you are, and then they go to the next person, after they've used you up and eaten you, and they do the same thing, over, and over, and over again until they die.

No, I don't know how Kate's doing ... she hasn't called my mom in a while, asking after me. I hope, I really hope she's doing well, and recovered, and in an healthy relationship, or happy on her own.

Are you a toxic psycho bitch?

Easy question to answer. Look in the mirror (can you?) and ask yourself, are people better off because of you, or are you the life-force suck in the group, so people avoid you if they can and avoid you if they can't (by opting out of being there when you corner them). Do you talk behind people's back? Sowing poison in other people's ears, so that you build a case out of a person YOU picked to be with? Do you try to limit somebody? "You can't do that; you shouldn't do this. You know you're not that good. You'll wear yourself out!" Or do you encourage somebody to take a risk with their life, and live.

Do you put yourself in the person you're talking to? Or do you get frustrated with them, because they are not doing what you want them to do?

You know, this is all my fault. I'm making myself sick, and it's because I broke the rules. I should have just responded to reviews, and not ever given out my email, and never, ever, never have gone on fb. And not even accepted PMs. I should have just written my stories, and should have just kept writing them, even now, but instead of writing about angst and melodrama, I'm living it.

It's good writing material, that's for sure. Thanks for that, toxic psycho bitches.

And under that layer of toxicity, there is a little girl, wanting to love, and be loved.

And I love her, that little girl. I'm an idiot, yes, but I love her. I love you, and I want you to be happy.

Can you pretend? Can you dare? Can you ask yourself, where is my happiness? And go in that direction? Dig yourself out of the mire you created for yourself (you did, honey, not anybody else. Somebody did something, yes, but that's in the past now, you're a big (little) girl, so put the past in the past, and deal with the now). Reach up, not to pull somebody beneath you so you can drown them with you, but reach up, and pull yourself out of this shit, and look at the sunlight, and the trees, and the people, and the city, and the lake, and breathe in and smell the freshly baked bread, and hug mommy, hug her tightly as she hugs you and she whispers, 'I love you, sweetie,' and know that she really does, and feel loved.

Just for one second today. Just smile, for one second today.

And then journal that. "I smiled today." And that may be your only entry for today, but, honey, you won. You can look back at that entry and know that on May 15th, 2011, you smiled.

You know what I'm going to do now? I'm going to submit this entry, then I'm going to go to bed, and then I'm going to sleep, deeply. And tomorrow I'll wake up. Today was cold and rainy (loved it!), ... actually, that was yesterday. Today will be what? A bit warmer? Okay, I'll keep to the shade, and go out, and be among people, and see them go about their lives, and see that there is life out there to live.

You know how hard it is to confront yourself with the ugly truth, instead of keeping up that stream of sweet, polite lies that nobody believes except the one person you've deluded into believing, that is: you? It's impossible. Until you get square with yourself, and admit: 'hey, I've been lying. I've been making people's lives around me miserable. I'm a really vicious evil bitch! God, how can anybody stand me and my [whatever you use to use people, like sick sweetness, or cold shutdown, or whatevs]"

So hey, there you are in all your ugly glory. Wasn't that hard to (finally) admit to yourself, now, was it?

Yes, it was. I understand. God, I do.

But then what? You see what you are and where you are. Happy with that? Yes, you have been so far. So, but ... why not try something different for a change. It's going to feel really weird (I know this, too), but then, WOW! somebody smiled, genuinely, because I wasn't cooping or manipulating or intimidating or dominating, but I was just with them and they were just with me, and hey, that's scary and strange but it actually was fun.

Well, I'll be.

And you can try that, if you'd like.

But whatever floats your boat. Me, I'm going to go boating with people who want to sail, not with those who blame me or the waves or the air or the boat for their miserable condition in life.

Okay, I do get that some people do get seasick, and somehow that's all my fault for taking them out on a boat, when they had full mental ability to say, 'no, thank you,' from the day WE started planning that trip TOGETHER. I do get that.

So go out driving in your sweet new BMW, or paraglide or pick flowers, or paint flowers, or have a nice lunch out, or ... whatever.

Be happy. Honestly happy. And if you find that you have to push people around to be happy, give that a break for a day, and go off alone, and see how keeping your own company out on the beach or at the museum or wherever isn't all that bad after all and actually is rather pleasant.

STOP LYING to yourselves. STOP analyzing and over-thinking everything. You're only killing everything around you with your sharp, cynical wit or your vainglorious righteousness. Act, and give the world some room to act with you.

You, you toxic psycho bitch, may actually be surprised how wonderful joy actually feels. You may actually find it's nice to come out of your cautious shell and live, and not 'live a little' but actually live, experience, breathe, feel, and be.

It's not about you, honey, your happiness. And it's not about them, particularly if YOU think you know what's best for them.

What is it about? It's about nothing. It's about clearing your head, and just being, in the moment, there, happy, and why? because even though there are 27 million things going on right now, and all of them not according to your plan, you are making the choice to be happy.

Your choice.

I love you. Good night.