Thursday, January 6, 2011

Calendar Girl

"Yeah, yeah, my heart's in a whirl,
I love, I love, I love, I love my calendar girl,
Every day, every day of the year!

January, you start the year off fine ..."

— `phfina commentary:

*sigh* Life, so fun, so sweet, so simple, so delightful, so lovely!

Whereas here, on this Earth, little `phfina has a head-cold so bad that I feel like a bobble-head, you know? I feel my head is so stuffed up that it's three times larger than what it normally is (okay, y'all, lay off the big-head and fat-head comments, please, I'm not feeling very pretty right now), and I feel myself trying to push myself out through my eyes!

Yeah, ugh!

And nothing — nothing! — is helping: not showers, not blowing nose, not hot tea, not matzo ball soup, not lying in bed moaning 'woe, woe is me!' (I actually tried that ... it was ... 'helpful' for a silly moment or two and then the yucky-stuffy headache returned.) I mean, not even images of an ingénue is much consolation! (um, you do know that image is SO WAY! NSFW, right? And why am I looking at images of ingénues, you ask? Well, Esmé is described as such, so it's like, um, research, getting into her character, and ... stuff (and yes, I do so want to 'get into' my mommy character ... *sigh* I hate being sick!))

I have another song, I just made it up yesterday as I was having supper:

"Peanut butter, peanut butter,
I love you, oh, peanut butter,
So rich and cream, so sweet and nutty!
So yummy-yummy with strawberry jam!"

I had a PBJ with some India hot-curry lentil stew-like dish.

I have to say, all together with Earl Grey tea, it was ...

... well, it was a whole lot yummier going down than when it came back up during group.

Don't worry, I was in the bathroom at the time, but those genuine, kind, caring people eventually missed me and came looking for me.

I think I died of embarrassment then, but then they drove me home, too!

Ugh! In bed, funky, so not pretty!

... but loving you all, my dears, and hoping your post-holiday recovery is going so-the-much-better than mine.

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