Sunday, August 12, 2012


Okay, so what does a girl do, when she's stuck on the beach, all alone, with an alien invasion coming in to end all of it as we know it?

Well, take out 1000 aliens before they take her out first, obviously.

Okay, but what happens when, right after she gets this...

... the 'Inconceivable' medal, or 500 kills in a row, a marine, a ... and I'm sorry to say this ... a girl marine throws a grenade into the pile of dead covenant you, that girl, had just single-handedly killed and where now in the midst of them, scavenging for grenades?

Oh, I found grenades alright. They all exploded in my face. Ending my spree, that I had just spent ('wasted'?) an hour to work up to!

So, what is she to do?

Well, obviously the first thought, on respawn was for me to hunt that marine down and shove her grenade right up her ass! Pin out, and NO KY.

But no.

No. I'm a calm, mature, level-headed girl. So, no. I didn't do that.

Even though I was very sorely tempted.

No. What I did was breathe in, then breathe out, then start over. From scratch, with kill number 1.

Three hours later...

... yup, the 'unfrigginbelievable' medal, that is to say: I killed 1000 covies dead. In a row. One after the other. One by one.

Hey, if you're going to set out to do something, set out, and fucking do it! Other things will happen. Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't. They don't matter. So, a marine kills me at exactly the half-way mark and I have to start over. SO WHAT? Did I say I was going to do this? Yes. Did I do it? Yes. End of story.

I work hard. I push myself hard. Yeah? So? Those are either excuses or reasons.

I'd rather have a reason to be alive. I'd rather not be a sorry excuse taking up space.

My choice, errant grenade notwithstanding.

Kay. Nighty night!

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