Monday, September 16, 2013

Work: see `phfina cry. Cry, `phfina, cry!



They called a special meeting today just to chew me out, and I was almost crying, because everything was working on my spreadsheet, but the accounting package still wasn't working and everybody was waiting on my fix. Only right now, at three am, do I now realize that I put in all this work, but I never called the new formula!

So that's why all the numbers are wrong, even though I fixed it and tested it.

So, I'm gonna go to work tomorrow morning, put in the fix, and everything is gonna work, and explain to everybody what an idiot I am and really, really hope they don't fire me, because it's been weeks this hasn't been working and people's pay have been manually adjusted this whole time.


Sleep helped. I basically came home from work, said hi to the family, ate a little, and went right to sleep, and then my mind kicked in and said, whispering ('`phfina, you did all this work, but you never called the new formula') and I wake up just now and finally realized it.

Oh, well.

SO. No matter what happens, tomorrow will definitely be a better day. They can even fire me and tomorrow will still be way better than today 'cause I just sat there not knowing what was going on, and everybody else was like: `phfina. This has to work. And I'm like, yes, I know and they're all staring at me. So, today, it will work, and I'll know that all that work I put in actually did work, and I'll feel better, knowing I did something good and right, and I'm not crazy, so I don't have to go crazy, worrying, anymore.

Bad, `phfina, bad! Sad, `phfina, sad!

You silly little girl! Write a whole new formula that fixes everything but never call it in the accounting package! What were you thinking? About Ridden because it sure wasn't accounting, I tell you what!



... so, that was my day at work. That's why I didn't write word one for that new chapter you've been waiting for.

And you? How was your day at work or school?

Have a good day! I hope, hope, hope way better than mine.

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