Wednesday, January 1, 2014


So, I submitted a story titled "Merry Christmas" to this site about Rosalie, with Bella, and all the yummy things she does to Bella. Got some positive reviews, 2,000 hits, all that.

Then I got this notification from the great pooh-bahs at ffn:


Title: "Merry Christmas"
Summary: "'Twas the night before Christmas, and throughout the dorm, not a kid in her dorm room, 'cause they all had gone home. Except me, and my Christmas present to me, all tied up in a little, tiny red bow: Bella Swan."
Rating: "Rated: M"
Storyid: 9957895

Main reason for removal: "Rating: explicit content or adult content above current rating"

The above story has been removed because it violated the guideline detailed on the upload page.


FanFiction.Net has a set of guidelines for the uploading of stories and chapters."

So, they took down the story. BUSTED!

Well, I saved the story on my laptop, and, BONUS! my laptop hasn't crashed (much) today, so I'm uploading it to my literotica-com account. I suppose ffn is telling me it belongs there.

So, that's the temporary fix.

But I don't know what to do in the long term, because of this: my girls like each other, ... love each other, in fact, and they express that love through little hugs and rubs and coo-coo-I-luv-you! and all that, but they also, SHOCKER! have s.m.e.x. SMEX, and if I can't write that on ffn, then I may not be able to develop my stories as fleshed-out things on ffn.

What does that look like? I don't know yet. Does that mean I'll start a story on ffn and keep the vanilla action on ffn and put in the chapter the following message: "And for what happens after we fade to black, please go to the side story X on literotica-dot-com at the following url: (then the url)"? Or does that mean I have to abandon ffn completely? Abandon you?

Maybe yes. I don't know. I'm sad, but let's take baby steps for now and see what happens down the road.

Whatever happens, my dears, know this: I love you. Thank you for reading my stories, which gave me a voice when I had none, and then, when you gave me my voice, you gave me so much more: yourself, and now I have friends, lovers, brothers and sisters where I had none before.

You don't know how much you just reading my story has meant to me.

Thank you. I love you.

kisses, `phfina

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