Monday, January 13, 2014

"Understanding" the Poetic Saga

I can't believe I'm writing this, but now I have explain poems to idiots who don't understand, and want their bananas peeled for them, cut into bite-sized pieces and then fed to them on a silver spoon. What, do you want me to move your jaw up and down for you, too, so you masticate the banana-mush, too?

So, here we go.

"What's there to understand? They were a set of poems Saga sent me over time. I wrote that in the A/N. Who wrote them? Who cares? You? Why?

Instead of reading it from a sense of understanding, read it with a sense of feeling. How did you feel, reading these poems? 'Well, I didn't like them, because I didn't understand them.'

Good job. You can't feel unless you understand your world and circumstance?

Or, just read the poems and get what you get from them. 'That one was silly.' 'That one was funny.' 'That one was keen what it said about quiet girls.'

Each poem Saga sent me conveyed a feeling, and it was free of any context. If your feeling is dependent on circumstance, then you are a leaf in that wind you chase. Feel. Be."

Got it now? Life is a whole lot less complicated when you drop your superior posing and just live it, isn't it?

Jesus-God Almighty, save me from Try-Hard Posers posing as fonts of wisdom.

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