Tuesday, January 7, 2014

New Year Resolutions

My New Year Resolution

1. I'm really hard on myself, so, I resolve, this year, not to beat myself up over stupid little crap, but, instead, I will be kindler and gentler to myself. I will look in the mirror and like the person who I am, even as I strive to be better.

2. I'm really hard on others, impatient and intolerant, and stupid people who don't listen to me but then go on and make the same stupid fvcking mistakes I tell them their going to make really, really piss me off. I resolve to practice patience, particularly with fvcking idiots who are really just doing their best they can. I won't get pissed off at somebody who, when I ask them what they like about my stories after they favor them, say 'oh, it's different,' but don't say how it's different or why that difference means anything to them, instead, I will delete the scathing email I was going to write to them and instead simply reply 'oh, thank you' and smile, too, knowing that I wrote something for somebody and it was 'different' for them.

3. I'm a really, really selfish person, and when I write, I get hurt, personally, when ffn or others don't understand what I'm trying to say. I resolve to put some distance from my own self, and not let my shyness nor my hurt stop me from doing good. I'm usually shy, hurt, and scared about things that aren't even real, just figments of my own imagination, so I will cast these chimera behind me and squash them underfoot, and step forward, bravely, even though I am shy, and scared, and hurt, and write that next chapter and publish it and be happy with the praise and be strong in the criticism, and maybe even learn something and write even better next time.

What are your New Year resolutions?

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