Sunday, August 12, 2012

Pensée du jour

... you know, I go to Church a lot. Twice today, and then again tomorrow for Sunday Mass.

Doesn't mean anything. I can't say: 'Lord, Lord! I went to Mass a lot.'

Because you know who else does?


At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, and when the devils cried out 'You are the son of the Living God!' ... what did Jesus say to them?

'Yeah, that's right'? or 'Hey, thanks!'

No, he rebuked them into silence, cast them into swine who then thereupon flew over a cliff's edge.

There's not one thing I can do to save myself. I can't show my attendance record. I can't ...

You know what kills me? People who say, 'Well, if X isn't in Heaven, then I want no part of it.' Saga said that. She said if I weren't in Heaven, they couldn't drag her into it.

You know what Heaven is? I do, it's right there in the Bible. It's Mass, 24/7 (in Eternity) (so the '24/7' is a very sorry joke), it's Angels and Powers falling on their faces, burning with Love, and all they can cry out is 'Holy, Holy, Holy!'

Okay. Really. Who would ever pick that?

And Hell? The path of righteousness is above, the path to hell is the path that Rocks! People today would line up to be able to get into Hell.


And the thing is, people sold their souls to get money, power, food, luxury, ... Wales. Nowadays, the Devil doesn't need to do a thing. He doesn't need to lift a finger. People have sold out on themselves already, and they get not 'nothing' in return, what they get in return is misery and despair.

All you have to do is look at the faces on the metro, every single vacant, hopeless face, plugged into their google reader or their iPod/Pad/Phone to verify this.

Or do what I do. Look into the mirror.

My one consolation? God is good.

And that stupid movie with whats-her-name and the dumb jock. God makes a special appearance in prison and the guy's like, in a panic, crying out: 'I'm about to lose my soul! And what can I do?'

And God, patiently, explains, 'It's not your soul.'

It's not my soul. It's God's. So I hope to God that God will take it back to Himself in the end.

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