Monday, June 7, 2010

Moon Over June

Just finished reading "Moon Over June" up to just past the deliveries of Moon and June, by WocGirl on livejournal and deviantART.

May I say something?


I did not, at first, like Hatz/"Brittnie", and I didn't like, when I got to know her leanings, Summer/transfinite/Aleph(null). But that's my problem. What isn't my problem is this story. This fiction is so grounded that it appears to be captivating autobiography, or, the autobiography is so compelling that it appears to be captivating fiction. I may not have liked (past-tense) Summer nor Hatz, but I love Summer and Hatz, and the relationship that they work so hard (casually) to deny that they have. "Moon Over June" is a refreshing breath of clean (dirty, naughty, cheeky, sweet) air from the icky angst of the work I write. It's so delightful to emerge from the heaviness of my angst to read and enjoy and laugh out loud, helplessly, at the groundedness of Moon and June mommies. Summer and Hatz both have a real background that includes real jobs (arguing the merits of tristing over a sonogram, no less) and real freckles and real (dumbass) brothers (is there any other kind?). They aren't (always) wrapped up in themselves or each other, they are out there in the world, or at home, dealing with each other, dates, babies, and the rest of the intimacies and intrusions of life. The artistry is lovingly crafted and so are the characters and story.

Oh, and if you have to read anything at lililicious(dot)net, read "Indigo Blue." Really. Read it. Sweet and angsty and sweet.

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